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Renewing Your Landlord Gas Safety Certificate in Leicester

Every landlord in England is required by law to only rent out their property with an up to date gas safety certificate – this is why renewing your landlord gas safety certificate in Leicester is so vital. 

Having an up to date gas safety certificate will help to ensure the safety of any tenants in your property and potentially save lives. A gas leak can be deadly, so not only is it vital that, as a landlord, you comply with the law, but there is also the moral responsibility to ensure the safety of your tenants, too.


What is a gas safety certificate? 

The Health and Safety Executive states that landlords have a duty of care to their tenants. This means a legal duty to repair and maintain gas pipework, flues and appliances, in order to keep them in a safe condition, to ensure an annual gas safety check on each appliance and flue, and to keep a record of each safety check. 

The annual gas safety check must only be carried out by a qualified Gas Safe registered engineer and following the check, your gas safety certificate will be supplied to you, as long as the required levels of safety are met. This should be provided to your tenants as evidence that all gas appliances and flues are well maintained and in a safe condition. 

The Landlord Gas Safety certificate, otherwise known as a Landlord Gas Safety Record or CP12, will contain details of all the checks which were carried out on all gas appliances, fittings, chimneys and flues. However, appliances owned by tenants remain their own responsibility. 

In the current situation with COVID-19, it is worth renewing your landlord gas safety certificate in Leicester ahead of time, just in case tenants cannot allow access to the property because they are having to isolate for 14 days. Checks can be carried out as soon as ten months after the last check and this won’t affect the expiry date. 


Renewing your Landlord Gas Safety Certificate 

The Gas Safety Certificate records the condition of all gas appliances, pipework, chimneys and flues. In order to do this, a Gas Safe registered engineer will make the following safety checks and record them: 

  • Test appliances and gas tubing in accordance with safety regulations   
  • Each appliance will be listed and checks will have been made to ensure they burn gas correctly
  • Check chimneys and flues for blockages 
  • Check the gas connections and supply
  • Monitor gas pressure 
  • Ensure sufficient ventilation and oxygen supply
  • List any defects or irregularities found 
  • List repairs that have been made or need to be done

Penalties for not renewing your landlord gas safety certificate in Leicester include up to £6,000 worth of fines and a prison term – not to mention invalidating your insurance, so it’s one of the most important things to ensure you do. Contact Taylor Pickering for details about the gas safety checks and certificates that our Gas Safe registered engineers can provide. 


Schedule a callback

If it’s time to renew your landlord’s gas safety certificate in Leicester, don’t delay. 

Schedule a callback from one of our friendly and professional engineers and receive a free, no-obligation quote for gas safety certificate renewal.


In September and October 2020 there is a 10% discount for  Gas Safety Certificates. Get in touch for more details. We look forward to receiving your call.