saving money plumbing boiler tips

Save Energy and Money With These Boiler Tips

In these uncertain economic times, finding the best possible ways to save money is vital. Likewise, with so much concern about the impact our modern lives have on the environment, finding ways to save energy is massively important too.

One of the best ways to save energy and money in the home is by checking the efficiency of your boiler. Around 60% of annual energy costs are spent on heating, so, where necessary, installing a new one, servicing it, or moving your boiler controls could save you plenty.

This is especially noticeable in cases where a boiler is particularly old or keeps breaking down. So, when you’re looking to save energy and money, you can implement any of these boiler tips and start saving..

Have a new boiler installed

People might be put off by the cost of having a new boiler installed, but when the costs savings in energy bills are added up over time, this can be a massively worthwhile investment. It’s well known that older boilers, because of their less modern technology and continuous use over time, can be a lot less cost effective.

If you prefer to see some statistics, you might be interested to know that boiler efficiency is categorised from A-G (A being the best at 90% or more efficient).

From 2010 all new boilers have to be above 88% efficiency and are built with high levels of efficiency in mind, so it goes without saying, that you’re pretty much guaranteed to save money by having a new boiler installed – potentially hundreds of pounds per year.  Find out why Summer is the best time to have your new boiler installed.

Get your boiler serviced regularly

Having your boiler serviced involves a series of safety and efficiency checks that should help identify and fix any problems in the early stages before they become costly, need extensive repairs or aren’t working at all.

In addition, a boiler service includes jobs such as checking the flue for blockages, dirt and debris in the system, which could be causing your boiler to work less efficiently. Once this is cleared, again, you’re looking to save on cost and energy.

Extra ways to save on energy bills

It goes without saying that if your heating is on when you’re not at home, then you might as well be throwing money away. Likewise, if it’s set to come on even on the hottest summer days.

If you pay some attention to the times of day when you might need your heating and manually set it to only come on then, then you’ll automatically start to save.

In addition, only have your heating on when it’s really necessary. There’s that old adage about putting another jumper on, or perhaps get double glazing and wall insulation fitted to help keep the warmth in more. Keep radiators uncovered as much as possible too, to make the most of the warmth they can give.

Move your boiler controls, so they’re more accessible

Recently, one of our Taylor Pickering boiler engineers helped an elderly customer save money by moving the boiler controls downstairs from upstairs.

She was unable to get upstairs to change the thermostat controls which meant her boiler came on at completely the wrong times, but she was unable to do anything about it.

Moving your boiler controls to a place where they’re more visible and ensuring you know how to use them properly could again save you plenty on cost and energy usage.

Start saving money and energy today by making your boiler as efficient as it can be. Get in touch with a member of our friendly team for more details.